Where do cities go from here? Lessons for the Corona Crisis

Where do cities go from here? Lessons for the Corona Crisis

In this episode, Kevin and Jordan discuss (some of) the flaws of the prevailing approach to development that are being exposed and magnified by this growing crisis. We also highlight a few opportunities that cities have for doing things differently from here on out. (It turns out that being resilient is exponentially more important in a disaster.) 

This will not be our last discussion on these matters! Crises require swift, bold, and informed actions—and they also offer us an opportunity to rethink what we previously took for granted. We'll be continuing to explore some things that cities can be doing in the short term to respond to the new reality, and we'll also be talking more in depth about what, specifically, a more resilient approach looks like for those planning, building, and running our cities. 

Have suggestions or questions? Let us know and we will cover them in upcoming episodes: podcast@verdunity.com.

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